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in de traditie van Thich Nhat Hanh

07 november 2023

Parallax Press stelt drie e-books over Vrede gratis beschikbaar

Om het diepe lijden dat nu over de hele wereld aanwezig is te erkennen, stelt Parallax Press 3 titels gratis beschikbaar in e-book-formaat voor de maand november. Mogen deze boeken een bron van troost en steun zijn in deze moeilijke tijden. 

Resources for Peace

To acknowledge the deep suffering now present across the world, Parallax Press is making the following 3 titles freely available in ebook format for the month of November. May these books be a source of comfort and support in these difficult times:

In order to download these ebooks, please add them to your cart on and use the coupon code PEACE at the checkout. Your total for these ebooks will be $0.00 and you can complete the order with no other purchase necessary.

Please share this coupon code and link with others to offer these resources widely to anyone who would like them.