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in de traditie van Thich Nhat Hanh

25 september 2023

Online cursus: Zen and the art of saving the planet

Voor de tweede keer heet Plum Village ons welkom bij een zeven weken durende diepgaande online leerreis om inzicht, compassie, gemeenschap en mindful handelen in dienst van de Aarde te voeden.

De inschrijving voor de tweede openbare editie van de cursus, die loopt van 15 oktober tot 3 december 2023, is zojuist geopend. Je kunt hier meer lezen en je hier inschrijven.

Join this new online course bringing to life the teachings in Thich Nhat Hanh’s book Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet.

Do you have a deep sense of care for the Earth, and want to find ways to bring mindfulness to your climate response? This new online journey harnesses the wisdom of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh to teach us how to face challenging feelings and create a sense of freedom and possibility. It is designed to empower the human resilience we need to face our current situation.

We are looking forward to offering this course for the next time on October 15 – December 3, 2023: Registration is now open. Limited spaces are available, so please sign up as soon as possible to join us for this unique learning experience.